A Sweet Sweat Success Story
Allow us to introduce you to a remarkable woman named Damaris Jacquelyne, a Sweat Squad member with a story we can't keep to ourselves. While we're lucky to receive several success stories in our inboxes every week, this particular transformation straight up gave us chills. I mean, check out this before and after! After you grab your jaw off the floor, pour yourself a cup of collagen-enriched coffee and please enjoy this exclusive interview with Sweet Sweat Ambassador, Damaris.
Tell us about yourself! When did your personal journey into fitness begin and what motivated you to get started?
My name is Damaris and I started my fitness journey on February 7th, 2018. I was born in Tampa, FL and was pretty much raised between here and Puerto Rico. I am currently 25 years old and have lost over 100 lbs. I had many many many "start dates" to be honest but this one was different. I had met an amazing person and he was into fitness and into the healthy lifestyle. Of course I'd be lying if I didn't say that played a good 25% role into my seriousness to start. I wanted more confidence. I wanted to look like the pretty girls in the gym with just a sports bra on, spotting their boyfriends and doing cute workouts together.
Then there is the other 75% that was personal. I could barely walk to get my mail without feeling sick/tired, my skin was bad, I ate until I literally could not breath to just sleep it off and repeat it again when I woke up. Eventually it started to take such a toll on me that I hated to walk past a mirror, and I knew I needed to change. I started waking up at 4:30 am every morning and going to the gym to use the elliptical. It started with 1 mile, then 2 then 5 then 8 miles a day.
Now I lift weights, I run outside, I do workouts with my boyfriend in my sports bra and spot him when he needs it. I watch myself in the mirror constantly at the gym now instead of avoiding it. I worked hard and am freaking proud of how far I have come!